Joule has been on the stage at two important events in Italy in late September 2022. The first one was the 2022 European Researchers’ Night, where researchers from the University of Tuscia presented the project focused on creating and piloting new courses on data journalism. Even if the project still stands at its beginning phases, researchers gathered warm feedback from colleagues and stakeholders, aiming at staying up-to-date with further implementations.
At the same time, another Italian partner, namely Dataninja, presented the Joule project within Open Data Sicilia gathering. It consists of an event where Open Data activists meet together, coming from different places in Italy and abroad. The project has been showcased by Dataninja, highlighting data journalism as an emerging field of competences for journalists, as Italian and European universities are still lacking in terms of specific educational offering in this field.
For these reasons, Joule consortium is evaluating new opportunities to spread the word and enlarge the spectrum of its outreach. Stay tuned!